Harassment of women in the workplace:
a case study made of women of “The Morning Mhow” tv series
Considering that representation is a way of enriching social debates, in this article we analyze the drama tv show The Morning Show which portraits cases of sexual harassment in the workplace. We use knowledge in power relations, use of hashtags and harassment. The general objective of this research is to exemplify the representation of harassment cases against female characters in the series. The specific objectives are to characterize these cases, debate theoretically and show their repercussion with the help of virtual movements such as #metoo. This is a qualitative, exploratory study whose method was the case study. The main authors that support our observations are Andrade and Assis (2018) and Oliveira (2011). As a result, we brought scenes from the series which portraits the impacts of harassment complaints against women, the relativization of machismo in the workplace and the relevance of the media and its way of approaching this theme.
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