A prática da educação ambiental à luz da Política Nacional de Resíduos Sólidos, no Centro Educativo Municipal Joaquim Cavalcante, em Piripiri (PI)1
Lixo. Ensino. Reciclagem.Abstract
This outreach activity was carried out in order to put into practice the principles of environmental education (EE), for all the community members who make up the Municipal Education Center Joaquim Cavalcante (CEMJC). Thus, the activity it is guided in the preparation of visit to landfill in the municipality of Piripiri (PI), preparation of a booklet and presentation of it in the aforementioned institution. The results showed that from the practice in question there have been changes in public and that everyone does their part not polluting the environment. Since recycle or reuse the best possible way will reduce the amount of waste produced in that municipality. In this context, the extent of activity was satisfactory, and it must be extended to other educational institutions.
Additional Files
- 2021-10-14 (2)
- 2017-01-12 (1)
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