Elas estão chegando! As crianças na escola de Educação Infantil


  • Keylla da Silva
  • Juliana Beatriz Machado Rodrigues




Criança. Acolhimento. Escola da infância.


This paper discusses how is the reception of children in school, from their arrival at the staying. Portraying the words of Gianfranco Staccioli with the book Reception Diary of Childhood School, the essence of this task as "working method". Into a sensitive and provocative approach, showing the importance of this movement in school, so that they think of the children even when they are not present in this space, recognizing it as being choices and Childhood Education, a space to be with them and not to put them as "deposit". The approximation to the book aims to reflect on the Italian look, calling boldness in Brazilian schools in childcare, adult and materials in the same space.

Author Biographies

Keylla da Silva

Pedagoga. Professora de Educação Infantil.

Juliana Beatriz Machado Rodrigues

Pedagoga, Mestre em Educação nas Ciências.  Professora do departamento Ciências Humanas da Universidade Regional Integrada do Alto Uruguai e das Missões –URI campus Santo Ângelo.


2016-02-17 — Updated on 2021-10-15


How to Cite

Silva, K. da, & Rodrigues, J. B. M. (2021). Elas estão chegando! As crianças na escola de Educação Infantil. Caminho Aberto: Revista De extensão Do IFSC, (3). https://doi.org/10.35700/ca201503%p1906 (Original work published February 17, 2016)


