O curso de curta duração como ferramenta preparatória para o Exame Nacional do Ensino Médio (ENEM)1
Curso de extensão. Avaliação Nacional. IFPI / Campus Piripiri.Abstract
This study concerns the extension of project implementation aimed to encourage students to develop discipline in their studies and improve its student performance, preparation for the National High School Exam (ESMS). Were offered 30 places for the preparatory course facing ENEM, however contained only 17. The questionnaires to students show that 72.7% were between 18-21 years old. Among the courses Integrated School for Technical offered by the IFPI/Campus Piripiri, 70.6% of students were attending the 4th year, while 47% and 47% were, respectively, the course of Administration and Commerce. According to the students, their motivation to participate in that course took place because their search for better preparation for the test ENEM. They agreed in 72.8% the preparatory course and 90.9% indicated how great the excellent material distributed for use during the course. In turn, the teachers of the subjects had 100% approval in great classes to excellent. The excellence of teachers, in ministering the contents of dynamic, clear and objective way, was appointed as one of the positive points. In general, the preparation course ESMS achieved its objectives, as encouraged students to discipline your self to study and prepare them for the National High School Exam. Thus activities that has the same bias that should be performed aiming the best student preparation for ESMS.
- 2021-10-15 (2)
- 2016-02-17 (1)
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