Economia. Social. Aprendizagem.Abstract
According to Historiography, the Jequitinhonha Valley began to be occupied at the beginning of the eighteenth century, with mining, which was introduced in the region based on the use of slave labor from Africa. With a highly extractive economy (mining), who does not mind the stages of production and processing of raw materials, the population faces problems of survival worsens with resource depletion. This project aims to support the formation and development of popular groups aimed at generating employment and income in line with the principles of the Solidarity Economy, Cooperatives and Associations in Jequitinhonha Valley. The project is based on gaining local support, diagnostic organizations, sensitization and mobilization of groups and organizations and training in associations and cooperatives. Its main assumption is the active training subjects for management of social enterprises - are guided by the logic of sustainable development. In this respect, he takes reality as the starting point of the construction of knowledge, because it is a training that leverages the playful side and experience that individuals have for learning.
Additional Files
- 2021-10-15 (2)
- 2015-03-13 (1)
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